Rainy Season Swells

During the rainy season (May - November) in Costa Rica, we are lucky enough to experience big wave swells.  This is the time of the year that there is steady, big surf.  Sometimes, even too big!  Obviously that affects our Ocean Kayaking Tours. We are on constant watch of the wave forecast for this area and have to take the wave size into consideration when deciding if the tour will be safe or not to do.  Generally our rule is anything bigger than 3-5 feet is too dangerous for us to do  the tour safely.  3-5 feet can bring sets of 5-8 feet and can really flip a kayak with no problem! So please, when we have to cancel or reschedule a tour because of the waves, please know that it is in your best interest for safety and quality of tour.  Thanks for your understanding! Check www.Magicseaweed.com for more information on wave size for this area.  

